The natural caper berries of Naturelez, which are harvested from nature in the Osmancık region of Çorum with sustainable farming methods, are prepared as pickles with local recipes without any additives.
Thanks to their unique taste, capers and caper berries are frequently included as a gourmet ingredient in world cuisine. Ideal for fish recipes that involve baking, capers are also used in the preparation of various sauces that go well with other meat, fish and chicken dishes. You can also use Naturelez's capers and caper berries, which are in good harmony with smoked veal and smoked salmon, in your salads, pastas or pizzas.
Caper Berries - 3 Kg
- Ingredients: Caper Berries, Garlic, Water, Salt, Vinegar
- Net Weight: 3 Kg
- Drained Weight: 1500 g
- Origin: Turkey